Simplified map of London

This map came from here. And so did the following comments:

  1. “I live in London and this map is fairly accurate. The Very Rich area would be Pimlico, maybe Notting Hill, Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster, the West End, Primrose Hill, maybe Hampstead. London has other wealthy areas but what differentiates these from those is that these areas have always been wealthy, rather than Johhny come lately areas that have been gentrified.”
  2. “General rules of thumb: in a city the wealthier neighborhoods tend to be upwind, upriver, and uphill. Occasionally extreme geographic constraints will override those rules. In the case of London, the Thames was horribly polluted and smelly in the first half of the 18th century (look up “The Great Stink”). My guess is that the “Very Rich” area would be the westernmost part of London in 1850, and that the “Losers” area west of there developed after the Thames was cleaned up. (I should line up some historical maps of London to the above map to see.)”
  3. “It just goes to show you. It takes a lot of losers to support a few rich folks.”
  4. “Have you seen the houses in Richmond or Hampstead? They don’t look like looser houses to me… There was actually an article in Time Out which mapped the London Boundary in relation to were the first Harvester eatery is located. So, were Harvester starts London stops. That is a clever way to show social divide within a city.”

ARGH Mνημοσύνη!!!!

Mnemosyne (1881), a pre-Raphaelite interpretat...

Mnemosyne (1881), a pre-Raphaelite interpretation of the goddess Memory by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Xô mulher, tô tentando trabalhar!!! >: (será que sou a única que tem problemas de concentração por causa de memórias que insistem em me interromper??)

Mnemosine ou Mnemósine era uma das Titânides, filha deUrano e Gaia e a deusa que personificava a Memória.[1] Ela teve de Zeus as Nove Musas:

Era aquela que preserva do esquecimento. Seria a divindade da enumeração vivificadora frente aos perigos da infinitude, frente aos perigos do esquecimento que na cosmogonia grega aparece como um rio, o Lete, um rio a cruzar a morada dos mortos (o de “letal” esquecimento), o Tártaro, e de onde “as almas bebiam sua água quando estavam prestes a reencarnarem-se, e por isso esqueciam sua existência anterior”.

Mnemosyne + Jupiter – Marco Liberi (1640-1685)

Go away woman, I’m trying to work here!!! >: (am I the only one who has trouble concentrating because memories keep on intruding??)

She was the personification of memory in Greek mythology. The titaness was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus and the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus:

In Hesiod‘s Theogony, kings and poets receive their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne and their special relationship with the Muses.

Zeus and Mnemosyne slept together for nine consecutive nights, thus birthing the nine Muses. Mnemosyne also presided over a pool[3]in Hades, counterpart to the river Lethe, according to a series of 4th century BC Greek funerary inscriptions in dactylic hexameter. Dead souls drank from Lethe so they would not remember their past lives when reincarnated. Initiates were encouraged to drink from the river Mnemosyne when they died, instead of Lethe. These inscriptions may have been connected with Orphic poetry (see Zuntz, 1971).

Similarly, those who wished to consult the oracle of Trophonius in Boeotia were made to drink alternately from two springs called “Lethe” and “Mnemosyne”. An analogous setup is described in the Myth of Er at the end of Plato‘s Republic.

The mythological titaness Mnemosyne embodied for the ancient Greeks the principle of Memory. Long before the invention of script, she was patroness of oral history and keeper of the memories of the past for future generations.

The myths surrounding Mnemosyne link the concepts of forgetting and remembering closely together. Mother of the nine Muses, Mnemosyne aided those who died by offering them a cup of forgetfulness in the Underworld. Drinking from this cup, they could forget the old life and move into the new unencumbered. Those who descended to consult the oracle in Mnemosyne’s temple were required to drink from two cups – first, from the cup of forgetfulness (to forget what they had witnessed) and then from the cup of memory (so they could recount what the oracle had revealed to them).

The mythology of Mnemosyne reminds us that in order to honour Memory, we sometimes need to forget aspects of what we have witnessed. Some things are better forgotten in the telling of the tale for future generations.

Desenhos da Karen, do Canadá

Tem muuuuuuitos desenhos legais nas galerias dela (fora esses que vou colocar abaixo e mais uns que pretendo postar em breve), visitem: (a moça faz capas de livros de fantasia, capas de CDs, enfim…é só pagar que ela desenha procê ;)) Sugiro que cliquem em cada um dos desenhos, pois alguns têm muitos detalhes e ficam mais bonitos quando vistos no tamanho original:

“Water water everywhere…

…And all the boards did shrink

Water, water, every where

Nor any drop to drink.”

Fantasia 4

Esta galeria contém 268 imagens.